Thursday, March 23, 2023

Do Nothing....By Yourself


When was the last time you sat in silence for an extended period?

No music, video, or others talking to you...just you and nature?

Albert Einstein was known for his brilliant scientific discoveries and attributed much of his creativity and insight to his time spent in solitude. He once said,

"The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind."

Earlier this week, I went for a long walk at a neighborhood park while waiting for a friend to get home. I sat for a bit and just looked out over the first instinct was to grab my phone and scroll social media, check email, watch youtube....anything...

It was SO hard to just sit and do nothing. 

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Annie, the family dog.


This is our dog, Annie...

She has been a part of the family for a few years and continues to be a blessing to each of us in different and unique ways. 

There is something about a dog that has the ability to create a mood and positive climate for our crew. She is the go-to "comforter" when someone gets hurt and is always there to celebrate with you. 

Dogs are special. 

So much good to say about our family dog. 

Fighting Darkness - An Ongoing Battle

 A year ago, a close friend passed on to be with the Lord.

While the memories are still fresh in many ways, the times and conversations shared, the laughs, and the friendship lingerings are strong. I miss him.

I know that there are battles we all fight.

Battles of the flesh.
Battle of the mind.

Battles that we create because of our insecurities and stupidy in decision making and battles that come to us without our permission.

Battles with an inner darkness that, when unchecked, is solid and deceptive.
Lying to you that you will never overcome the despair and hopelessness in your current state.
I still have moments that feel like the creeping of darkness is slowly invading my mind.

I have come to accept that I will always have a semblance of the invasive thoughts. Almost like the door was opened, and it'll always be open.

Only a few years back, I'd scoffed at the notion of a "darkness" invading my mind; I'd have dismissed the reality of ever-present hopeless thoughts..that'll never happen to me... came to me.

I did not ask the darkness in and I almost let it win.

If you have seen the show, Stranger Things, a scene in season 4 shook me to the core, as it is almost exactly how I have felt when battling my inner darkness.

One of the main characters is attempting to flee from the evil trying to take her soul to steal everything she loves away from her...she tries to flee, and the darkness follows..

Watch at your discretion...its a little intense
As the show progresses and the characters prevail over the evil it is through community and relationship that they defeat the enemy.

When we know one another sincerely, we can support each other.

In a more connected world than ever, we are more alone than ever before...more afraid that someone will find out we don't have our lives together or know how to handle the day-to-day challenges we face.

Do not give in to the lies the evil one tells you.

The World is Bigger than You & Bigger than Me

The world is bigger than you and me.  My wife was born in Nicosia, Cyprus while her parents worked to spread the love of God. She only lived...